
We are accepting applications for fall 2025 and spring 2026.
To apply for the Puente Program, fill out this short form: Puente Program Application. Puente is a transfer-support program that follows the "cohort" model; each cohort consists of 25 to 35 students. It provides specialized counseling, cultural enrichment, university exposure, and mentoring to help students transfer to Universities in 2 - 3 years of enrollment at LAVC.
Specifically, Puente is intended to help bridge the gap of Latinx students being admitted to UC schools; however, some Puente students prefer to transfer to a California State University, a private school, or an out of state university. Wherever students wish to transfer, Puente provides the support students need to be prepared for university-level coursework, graduate school, and career life.
Finally, participating in Puente is an excellent extracurricular commitment that students can highlight on UC applications, giving them a competitive edge when applying to UCs.
LAVC Puente Courses and Eligibility:
1. All incoming Puente students begin in the Fall semester and must take the following designated Puente courses. Please note that you cannot take any English 101 or Counseling requirements. The Puente courses are taught by the Puente Co-Coordinators, Susana Marcelo and Ruth Vasquez. You will receive the class numbers and information after you are accepted into the Puente Program. Please remember to fill out the Puente Application Form.
- English 101 with the Puente English Instructor
- English 72 (a 1-unit lab to help you pass English 101)
- Counseling 001 (a 1-unit Personal Development course to help you be successful in higher education)
2. In the Spring 2026 Semester (second phase of the program), students take Puente English 103
and Puente Counseling 20 course.
Earn Digital Badges for Completing Puente Milestones:
1. During the academic year, Puente students are required to meet with their assigned mentors at least three times.
2. Meet with the Puente counselor in an individual appointment at least once a semester in the Spring.
3. Puente students are required to attend all trips, including the fall Student Motivational Conference, Noche de Familia (Family Night), and the spring campus tour.
4. Participate in the Puente Student Club (Meeting times TBD).
5. Submit a “progress report” midway through each semester, signed by each instructor to verify academic standing.
6. Participate in at least two tutoring sessions/workshops per semester.
The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of educationally underserved students, who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors for future generations. Puente is open to all interested students.

Why should you join the Puente Program? Find out here!
¡Si Se Puente!